
Olympus E-3 with Grip


I use the Olympus Digital SLR 4:3rd’s System.  My current body is the new Olympus E-3 Pro Camera with the battery portrait grip.  It is a weather sealed camera. I use a combination of lenses depending on what I am shooting.  Olympus makes wonderful High Grade lenses for the camera under the Zuiko Lens brand. 

I enjoy shooting a wide variety of subjects from Landscapes to Portraits.  I learn new things every day. 

Here lately I just utilize the camera in my phone. I currently have an 8 megapixil camera in my phone that surfs the web faster than my old dial-up computer from several years ago.

David Tripet and E-3

At Lake Balboa Park with the E-3 and 50-200mm Zuiko lens

Art, Writing and Photos (c) 2014 - David Tripet - All Rights Reserved!